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Minutes 05/10/2006
                     BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                     MAY 10, 2006

A   REGULAR  MEETING   of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, May 10, 2006, in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham,  members of the Board of Public Safety Christopher H. Cook, Richard Zaharek, Douglas J. Benedetto, James E. Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert C. Zordan, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, (arrived at 7:18 p.m.) Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, and Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Aaron Picz.  Absent was Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot.

        Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the special meeting held April 5, 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner
Zordan, the board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the special
joint meeting with the City Council held on April 10, 2006.     

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the special meeting held April 12, 2006, as amended.  (The reason for the special meeting was the change in time.)  The amendment was to note within the minutes when Commissioner Colangelo arrived: 5:07 p.m.)

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.   There was no public participation.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner
Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Probationary Officer
Edward Mumm as a regular member of the Police Department after having
successfully completed his probationary period on 5/2/06.         

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner
Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Probationary Officers
Chad Gomez, Matthew Southard, and Matthew Faulkner as regular
members of the Police Department after having successfully completed
their probationary period on 5/9/06.      

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s Report for April 2006.

Commissioner Potter asked Chief Milano if there was anything he could do to cut down on overtime.  It was his belief that overtime would decrease when computers were installed in the police officer’s vehicles.

Chief Milano indicated that much of the overtime is a result of mandated training that has to be completed by June 30th, as well as some sick time.  Between July 1 and Christmas of last year , they had twelve non-producing positions, either because they were at the academy, on field training, out for extended leaves, or vacancies.  All overtime is scrutinized.

It was his feeling that installing computers was not so much an overtime issue as it was in getting patrol officers out in the field more in any given hour.   The process of installing computers in the vehicles won’t be completed for another year when they switch over to paperless reporting.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, a discussion was held in regard to Officer Shopey’s recommendation to revisit the removal of the parking meter located just south of Calhoun Street, and that a request be submitted to the State Traffic Commission that a “No Parking” sign be installed to restrict parking and improve the present sight line.

Officer Shopey stated that this issue was visited in November of 2001 and the parking meter was not removed because Mr. Falcone just purchased the building and the board wanted to see if any parking problems would result.   Fifteen minute signs were installed.  Since then, more complaints have been filed in regard to site line issues.  He noted that many accidents have occurred since 1994, and all but one or two were directly related to vehicles pulling out of the intersection.   If the meter is removed, approximately 50 feet of sight line will be established.

Officer Shopey stated that the area has become busier because of business in the area.

Commissioner Cook asked Officer Shopey to let Mr. Falcone know that the board will remove the parking spot for a certain period of time to see if accidents decrease.

VOTE # 540
On the previous motion, the board voted in favor of approving Officer Shopey’s recommendation, with the exception of Commissioner Potter who opposed, to remove the parking meter located just south of Calhoun Street, and to submit a request to the State Traffic Commission that a “No Parking” sign be installed to restrict parking and improve the present sight line.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation that the City of Torrington pursue the services of Credit Information Bureau, Inc. for the purpose of collecting outstanding parking      ticket fines presently held by the Traffic Unit.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to award the “Architect/Engineering Services” contract to O’Riordan Migani Architects for the Police Department facility’s masonry restoration evaluation and referred it to the City Council.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, a discussion took place in regard to the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to waive the bid process and purchase the Police Department Telephone Recording System as soon as possible from Northeast Telecom, LLC of Bristol, CT for $16,250.00.

Fred Rosa arrived at 7:18 p.m.

Chief Milano explained that he was notified by the manufacturer that the Police Department’s telephone recording system was outdated in terms of software and  hardware.  This cannot occur because it’s their main recording system for 911 and their business lines and radios as well.  It has been used on numerous occasions to verify information.  It’s a sole source provision from a company that provides it in Connecticut.  The new system will go through cd’s instead of optical disks, therefore it will cost less.  There will be a three year retention period on the new system versus one year on the old magnetic tapes.

Chief Milano said he won’t be comfortable until they get the new system in place. He asked the board to allow him to use funds in the capital account earmarked for revamping the telephone system.  Since it’s money that already exists for what he believes is an adequate fit for his request, it will not hamper this year’s budget, nor next year’s.
Commissioner Colangelo inquired whether the system was malfunctioning at this time.

Chief Milano indicated that it was not, but they see it as an old operating system.  It’s an old Windows version with an outdated recording medium and hardware.

Commissioner Colangelo asked if the system would be compatible with the new communication system they hope to put in place in the future.

Chief Milano said he was quite sure it would be compatible because it’s being sold as a product that will be good for the future, but would verify it.

Commissioner Potter inquired as to when the existing company advised him that the current system was near the end of its life expectancy.

Chief Milano stated that John Recchini was told by the vendor after the April meeting.

Commissioner Potter said “Other than the fact that there’s no one in Connecticut that can service the system, is there somebody that could have possibly bid on it and given you the same system?”  He pointed out that the City Council objected to waiving the bid process.

Chief Milano said it was a sole source provider.  The manufacturer has produced documentation to that effect with the Purchasing Agent.

Commissioner Cook said the paperwork stated that the company had been in business since the year 2000.  

Commissioner Potter inquired whether this company assisted the Police Department if there was a problem and Sgt. Recchini was absent.

Chief Milano indicated that a representative of the company would respond.

Commissioner Cook said they wanted to get it done, especially since it dealt with 911.  However, the Council will need a good understanding on why this board was willing to waive the bid process.

Chief Milano indicated that he, as well as the Purchasing Agent, would attend the City Council meeting to answer any questions or concerns they may have.

VOTE #840
On the previous motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to waive the bid process and purchase the Police Department Telephone Recording System as soon as possible from Northeast Telecom, LLC of Bristol, CT for $16,250.00 and referred it to the City Council and the Board of Finance.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s Report for April 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s Report for April 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer’s Report for April 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s Report for April 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Cook,  the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for April 2006.

NOTE: Item 15 - Discussion on Fire Department Recruitment Packet was moved to after #18 on the agenda.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report for April 2006.

A discussion took place on the recommendation from the EMS Oversight Committee regarding Campion Ambulance dispatching the Torrington Fire Department to any and all cardiac related emergencies and unconscious parties where their response will save critical time or otherwise where their response is needed to assist Campion Ambulance.

Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa indicated that this was the culmination of at least a year’s worth of work with the EMS Oversight Committee, whereby they have come up with the best of all solutions; however the following word change is recommended.  Change “Any and all cardiac related emergencies and unconscious parties” to “Any and all cardiac arrest emergencies and unresponsive parties”.   The reason for the change is because they really want to hone in on those critical emergencies where response time can make a difference by having resources available to help Campion.  
Mr. Rosa indicated that their dispatchers will know the difference between routine calls and those that are critical and it will be automatic on those cardiac arrests and unresponsive calls.

Chief Field didn’t see any effect at the moment on his manpower in regard to overtime.   

According to the Fire Service Coordination Committee, the volunteer’s coordination is on board with this policy.  Their help will be required in manning their stations so extra personnel won’t have to be brought into main headquarters.

Chief Field stated that, at this moment, this practice will only occur within the volunteer’s districts.  If they see the need to do more, they will approach the matter further.

Commissioner Potter said he had no problem with providing better service and offering the help of our fire department or even the police department if necessary, but asked if Campion was taking advantage of the resources of the city in order to eliminate any extra cost to their own company by not having extra ambulances and manpower available.  

Mr. Rosa stated that they could continue to do what they do with or without the fire department’s help.  If it’s not approved, they will dispatch two of their own cars.  They will live up to their contract with the city.

Commissioner Potter noted that Campion gets paid to roll on calls.  He pointed out the wear and tear a piece of apparatus gets from rolling on a call and asked if there was any monetary value to the city to dispatch the fire department.

Commissioner Benedetto indicated that the cost was minimal when someone was having a heart attack or trouble breathing.

Mr. Rosa stated that whatever supplies the fire department uses will be replaced at no cost to the city.

Commissioner Potter asked if there was any talk of getting the police department involved.  He thought, if they were going to do it, it should be done right, and the police department should be involved at some point since they have cruisers all over the city.

Mr. Rosa said they were hoping to move forward and place ADD’s on cruisers if it was agreeable to the police department, the Board of Safety, and the unions.

Chief Milano indicated that his department had an influx of medical calls and it’s causing some concern to the command staff.  If he doesn’t find out what the board’s directions are relative to this issue, they are going to end up finding a fire truck, an ambulance and a police car at every ambulance call that comes in, and he didn’t think that was necessary.  He was concerned about availability however, whether or not cruisers are all over the town, because they deal on a whole host of occurrences.  It was essential that this board give him some guidance as to what is expected from the police department, so the department can prepare itself in terms of training, equipment, and protocol.

Commissioner Potter said he worried about compromising fire service in order to handle medical calls.  He would feel more comfortable if they came up with new policies on how to operate where they are using a minimum amount of manpower to roll on medical calls.

Mr. Rosa said that’s what’s good about the supplemental, because the fire department only answers medical calls “if they are available”.

Commissioner Zaharek stated that, based on operational needs, the fire department would dispatch “someone to assist” versus this motion to “assist any and all”.  The wording was somewhat conflicting.

Chief Field said he was covering his bases as far as the volunteers were concerned.  Presently, they are only doing it in their districts until the time they see the need to bring them downtown.

Mr. Rosa stated that the committee also talked about getting CPR training into the Middle School, and throughout the high school.  

Commissioner Potter said he would vote in favor of getting it started but  wanted to see the fire department put some policies in place that would use the minimum amount of manpower to assist on medical calls so it doesn’t compromise the fire service in town.  He also thought something had to be done to alleviate Chief Milano’s concerns.

Chief Field stated that this was new ground for the fire department and changes in policies will have to occur along the way.  

Mr. Rosa suggested voting to make it a pilot program so it could be reviewed in several months.

Commissioner Cook noted that only one Oversight Committee meeting was held on January 9th, and the board was not even aware if a member of the Board of Public Safety was a member of the Oversight Committee.  

Chief Field stated that fires are the fire department’s number one priority and it will continue to be so in the future.  Campion is the primary service provider for medical calls.  If the fire department is called upon, it will assist Campion.  If they can service to the customer better, that’s what they are there for.

Commissioner Benedetto inquired why they couldn’t send the volunteers if there’s an issue.  It was his opinion that they needed to move this forward and utilize our volunteers.

Chief Field said there isn’t a problem sending the volunteers if they are needed.   He further stated that they would look at their available resources at the time of the call.  There might not be a need to put the volunteers in station if two other full companies are available.  He assured the board that this particular type of incident is no different than any other incident they handle. Their policy is to call in additional resources if they have more than one engine company tied up for a specific amount of time.  

Chief Milano asked if this pilot program would include the police department in any way.

The board said no.

Commissioner Cook was concerned over the fact that the Oversight Committee met only once, and already the Board of Safety was voting on an issue.

Mr. Rosa stated that the Oversight Committee was given the task of judging this system for the city.  It can make recommendations for Campion but has no control over the Police and Fire Departments.  It has to be approved by the Board of Safety to move forward.   

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said he thought it was an excellent opportunity for all departments to work together to improve the services and skills of each and every firefighter.

Mayor Bingham suggested making it a pilot program for a certain amount of time until those difficult questions are hammered out.

Chief Field further suggested inviting the Board of Safety’s Policy Committee to look at new policies.

VOTE #2380
Commissioner Benedetto made a motion to move forward the way it was presented, including the two changes noted by Mr. Rosa.   The motion reads:  
To accept the recommendation from the EMS Oversight Committee regarding Campion Ambulance dispatching the Torrington Fire Department to any and all “cardiac arrest emergencies and unresponsive parties” where their response will save critical time or otherwise where their response is needed to assist Campion Ambulance.  Commissioner Zaharek seconded the motion.
There was no vote.

Commissioner Benedetto amended his motion to make the dispatching of the Torrington Fire Department to any and all “cardiac arrest emergencies and unresponsive parties” where their response will save critical time or otherwise where their response is needed to assist Campion Ambulance, as a six month pilot program.  The board will get a monthly update on related data.
Commissioner Zaharek amended his second.  Unanimous.

A discussion took place in regard to the recommendation from the EMS Oversight Committee regarding Campion Ambulance dispatching the Torrington Fire Department to assist them when and where necessary throughout the City while operating within their training and inside the bounds of the Supplemental First Responder Certification.

When asked how this item differed from the one the board had just discussed, Mr. Rosa indicated that this was in the First Responder Supplemental application that went to the state, and he just wanted to make certain the board knew it had always been there.  It did not require a vote.  

Commissioner Potter expressed his concern over the requirement in the recruitment packet that an applicant would be required to be EMT certified. His concern was that this requirement might close the door to some volunteers in Torrington who hoped to become a career firefighter and didn’t have a certificate and opened it tho those from other towns who might volunteer for both their fire department and ambulance.

Chief Field stated that the main goal for adding the requirement to the application process was to reduce the cost to the city for that type of training.  If the board preferred, it could be reduced to MRT training.

Commissioner Potter said “Even with this EMS thing, technically, from what Mr. Rosa is saying, MRT level is sufficient”.    

Commissioner Potter thought the Training Officer could provide the EMT training so it wouldn’t be an additional cost to the city.

Chief Field indicated that the Training Officer can offer the training, but for him to commit to one or two people isn’t cost effective for his department.

Commissioner Potter suggested that perhaps the recruitment packet might say they need to get the EMT training on their own within one year of being hired.
Chief Field indicated that if a person is on the payroll, the city has to pay for the training.

Commissioner Potter said the city wouldn’t have to pay if it was specified within the hiring process.

Corp. Counsel Weaver said she could look into that matter.

Commissioner Potter also stated that he couldn’t see where Step 3 (Oral Interview) was really necessary.

Chief Field said the Oral Interview was added as part of the scoring process.  He felt it was important to test individuals to see what their make up is as a person, in a personable way.  Officers from outside the community are usually invited to perform the Oral Interview to eliminate to potential of bias.   The Chief and Board of Public Safety get involved in the Managerial Oral interview.

Chief Field said he would forward an amended Recruitment Packet to Corp. Counsel for her review prior to the board taking a vote.   It will be voted upon during the next meeting.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report for April 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.

Board of Safety members and Department Heads welcomed Corp. Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver.

Chief Milano stated that August 1st was National Night Out and invited Mayor Bingham and board members to attend.

He also stated that the Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs from the Police and Fire Department met to discuss how they could increase the capacity of the city’s Fire Police Program.  

Chief Field thanked everyone for the kind words and support in regard to the passing of his mother.

He noted that he and the Emergency Management Coordinator was putting together some training in regard to NIMS Compliance which will take place on
the 24, 25 and 26th.  All First Responders will be required to take the 700 and ICS100 by the end of September.

Fred Rosa noted that CPAC training started in Torrington two weeks ago.  

He invited Mayor Bingham and the board to attend EMS Week scheduled for next week.   He also invited them to a luncheon at Campion on Thursday.

Deputy Fire Chief Giampaolo informed the board that Ladder 2 was back and it looked great.  He thanked Mike Michaud and Charlene Antonelli for a job well done.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.
The members of the board thanked former Corp. Counsel Al Vasko for his many years of service.

Commissioner Benedetto asked Chief Milano to speak in regard to traffic enforcement.

Chief Milano noted that Torrington was averaging between 500 and 550 motor vehicle violations per month.  Some of the violations are attributed to DWI patrols which are funded by grants.  Although he commended his staff for doing a very good job, there’s always room for targeted enforcement in areas that are generating complaints.  After speaking with Commissioner Benedetto, he directed Capt. Smedick to devise a plan to reach a certain threshold of manpower primarily on first and second shift who will institute a traffic car whose sole purpose will be, outside of emergencies where life, limb or property is in danger, to do directed patrols in the area of traffic enforcement throughout the summer months.  

Commissioner Benedetto asked Chief Milano to report back on this matter at the next meeting.

Chief Milano said he would make it part of his monthly report.

Commissioner Benedetto asked Officer Shopey how things were progressing on the boot.

Officer Shopey indicated that the bids would be opened tomorrow.

Commissioner Cook commended the Fire Department for their banquet and the Police Department for their event at the Middle School.

Commissioner Potter asked if a committee could be formed to look into ways to bill for some of our services.

Mayor Bingham agreed that it would be a good idea.  

Commissioners Potter and Colangelo volunteered to sit on such a committee.

Commissioners Colangelo and Zordan commended the Police Department for the event held at the Middle School.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to go into executive session
under Personnel: Police Department at 8:41 p.m.

               CITY CLERK

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into Open Session at 9:04 p.m.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:05 p.m.

Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Corporation Counsel